Clock tower at Wellands Central Fire Station on time, again

12.21.2021 03:21 PM By service

Iconic clock and its four faces back in operation

By Kris DubéTribune Reporter
Mon., Dec. 20, 2021

A recent improvement to Central Fire Station in downtown Welland is a sign the group behind its ongoing restoration is putting in plenty of time with its efforts.

The fire station at Hellems Avenue and Division Street was built 101 years ago and decommissioned in 2006.

Its clock tower was destroyed by fire in 1961 and replaced a year later with a giant timepiece that came from a post office that closed about that same time in Preston, Ont.

Central Station Education Initiative took over in 2018 when the City of Welland entered into a lease agreement with the group of volunteers, and the clock had not functioned since then.

